Manglik and Non-Manglik Marriage
There is a terror in the name of “Mangal Dosha”. Astrologers usually advice Manglik people to marry somebody who is also Manglik as the “Mangal dosha” in the horoscope gets cancelled according to them, Astrologers say that the Manglik and Non-Manglik Marriage is not possible which is utter rubbish.
Today astrologers have kind of become the agents of these planets mars, rahu, ketu, saturn and bank on these planets in name of various doshas created by these planets. 6 out of 12 houses having mars constitute manglik dosha and to say that such people would suffer widowhood is utter rubbish. It constitutes 50% of 12 houses.
Mars in 1,4,7,8,12 houses constitutes the Mangal/Manglik dosha. South indians also consider mars in 2nd for this dosha. The reason these houses are related to domestic happiness in the chart.

1> Mars in 1st makes one very aggressive.
2> Mars in 2nd would make one aggressive and dominating in family and speech and spoil domestic happiness.
3> Mars in 4th would spoil atmosphere of the house by quarrels and aggression of the individual having such mars.
4> Mars in 7th would give excess sex appetite as 7th rules marriage, marital harmony and sexual pleasures. It would make more hungry for sex which could spoil the marriage by giving him an animal instinct, forcing his partner into sex for his pleasures etc.
5> Mars in 8th could give danger to life or sudden death, injury by weapons, problems with in-laws, as it aspects 2nd from there it will also affect family happiness.
6> Mars in 12th would give bad health to spouse and excessive sex appetite and spendthrift attitude.
Mars from these houses also aspects either 2nd, 7th, 1st making a person aggressive and dominant which can potentially spoil domestic peace and marriage due to excess aggression, dominance and forceful attitude.
- Besides mars in self house or exaltation does not cause mangal dosha is another point which many ignore.
- A chart having saturn in the same house where other has mars also nullifies the dosha which many astrologer overlook.
- Jupiter aspecting such a mars nullifies or gives positive vibrations to such a mars which is not considered.
Astrologers have spread the terror and wrong notions that Mangal dosha makes one a widow which is absolutely rubbish unless mars is very much afflicted and the 7th house lord, venus etc are afflicted and no marital happiness is promised. The role of other 8 planet sure needs to be seen. The houses for widowhood to be seen are 8th and 12th along with 7th, These houses need to be highly afflicted. Readers can read a case study of Manglik and non manglik marriage posted recently on this blog.
Mars is basically a symbol of energy, Aggression, fire. If Fire and Fire are bought together it would create more bigger fire is a common sense. When two aggressive people marry each other there are bound to be more quarrels and problems in married life. Either of them should be cool and submissive for marriage to last. So mangal dosha should not be blindly interpreted. For those who are looking forward to have love-marriage can read my article Is kundli matching necessary for Love marriages ?
Those who wish to have horoscopes matched for manglik and non-manglik marriage can kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope matching.
The following book by Mridula trivedi on “An Insight into Kuja dosha” is one of the best books on kuja dosha and its implications I have read so far. This book has hundreds of case studies making it a genuine research on kuja dosha. Those who want to know more in detail can buy this book and read.
Readers who are “Manglik and married to non manglik or vice-versa” are requested to share their birth details for research. This would help me to enlarge this research on manglik and non manglik marriage and help more people in the future.
Even those who suffered in marriage or had severe problems are requested to share their birth details. The purpose is to do a research and remove the wrong beliefs and traditions being interpreted and followed blindly.
Please match my kundli and let me know the result
Boys details
Ayush Pathak
Time of birth – 4:10 am
Place – Delhi
Girls Details –
Time of birth – 12:10 PM
Place – Patna, bihar
Kindly opt for horoscope compatibility services.
Thank you.
Boy’ s details prateek gupta 11 sep 1988 aligarh up 9:21 pm
Girls details Uma varshney 4 Aug 1991 chhata mathura up 4:05 am
My brother kundli matches only with non mangliks where he has high mangal dosh. It doesn’t match with girls who have low or high mangal dosh . Can you pls analyse and share the reason.
Matching horoscopes online is not even near to horoscope matching. Gun-milan, manglik dosha, rajju etc are just 25% of horoscope match making. One has to check the entire horoscope of both individually as well as jointly to actually check compatibility between two people.
I do not know what factors are considered in your brothers case while checking for compatibility with various horoscopes so I cannot tell the reason, The person who matches his horoscope should be able to tell you the reason for rejecting proposals on basis of match making. Apart from that compatibility with different people will differ according to their horoscopes so reasons will vary on case-to case basis.
Myself Preeti And I am A manglik I have an a 3year relationship .but my boyfriend had not manglik plz suggest me what can I do
Namaste Preeti,
Kindly opt for horoscope compatibility consultations. I cannot comment without going through the horoscopes and checking compatibility in detail.
Kindly opt for horoscope compatibility services.
I have a high mangal dosh while my boyfriend doesnt have any
Sujata Singh
Dob -27.08.1995
Time- 7:42 am
Place- kolkata
Lalit Agarwal
Dob- 16.10.1989
Time- 11:40 am
Place- kolkata
Please help me!
Kindly opt for paid consultations for compatibility analysis.
My name is Ankush .I have been married with my wife for one year and 3 months .I stay overseas and it was an arranged marriage.we didn’t do Kundali Milan before the wedding but ever since my wife came over we are having a lot of troubles understanding each other.its just her aggression and ego sometimes make her do things which don’t help both of us at all.i am really tired of telling her not to get angry at small things but I really like her and she does too.we always have arguments over our families.the situation is we have been living separate from last month and families fighting in India because of our relationship.My dob 22/09/1991 21:15pm.My wife’s name is Priyanka her dob is 16/09/1993 10:10 am.Pleases help.
Namaste Ankush,
Kindly opt for marriage consultation.
Namaste Ashish Ji,
Me and my Boyfriend intend to get married but my kundali has Mars in 8th house due to which his family is not agreeing.
I would be highly obliged if you could suggest a possible remedy.
Also I would like to know if the kundali matching impacts the Court Marriage as well where we will not have marriage as per Hindu customs and traditions. As in Hindu Marriage Rituals are valid in case Court Marriage also?
We are seeing that as a possible option if nothing else works out.
Kindly guide.
Thanking You
Namaste Sti,
Please opt for horoscope compatibility service. There are many other things to consider than just 8th Mars. The promise of marriage and married life in both horoscopes, the compatibility of planets with respect to each other is more important here and carries 75% weightage whereas just being manglik and doing gun-milan has only 25% weightage in match making.
Yes Match Making is key to checking good or bad relationships, the first aspect is checking whether promise of marriage or good married life exists in both horoscopes individually.
hlo i m poonam i m non manglik girl bt mein jis ladke se shadi krna chahti hu vo manglik hai uski kundali mein 4th house mein mars hai or kundali chndra manglik hai bt hum dono shadi karna chahte hai plz help me
girl name- poonam chhabra, dob-4/11/1998, place- kota, rajasthan, time-9:10 am
boy name- devank karanwal, dob-8/2/1995, place- deoband, saharanpur, (u.p.), time-10:am
Namaste Poonam,
Kindly opt for horoscope compatibility consultations.
I have high Mangal Dosha and my girlfriend doesn’t.
Place of Birth:Ahmedabad
Date:6th August, 1992
Name: Shivani
Date: 15th September, 1991
Time: 12:40
Our overall score is 31.5. Is this good enough? What are the factors that need to be considered?
NamasTe Rishi,
MAtch making is not dependent only on score, there are many other factor to be considered. Gun-milan is hardly 25% of the horoscope matching, one has to analyse both horoscopes in detail and match them with each other with respect to planets, dasha and many things to check for various good and bad promises.
The gun-milan is done at the end to filter out less compatible horoscopes when you have many horoscopes to select from. Just selecting horoscopes based on gun-milan is a horrible blunder people do.
Thank you.
I Am Manoj Satyawali
DOB: 20/02/1990
Time: 12.35
Place: Machore Almora (Uttarakhand)
I Want To Marry Girl Who Is Non Manglik.. Can I Do So Plz Help…
Pooja Joshi
DOB: 19/02/1995
Time: 12 PM
Place: Thane (Maharashtra)
Namaste Manoj ji,
Please opt for paid consultations for horoscope compatibility.
Hi Ashsih Ji,
How can I contact you after making a payment of Rs.1100 as prompted above?
What are the details you would require? Is the birth time, date and year and the birth place of both boy/girl
is sufficient for you to do the match?
How much would it take for you to get back with the details after receiving the information from me?
The last question is because some peoples life is at stake hence the urgency.
Namaste Chetan,
You can contact me through email or whatsapp @ +91-9657569256.
I will need Birth date, Birth time and Birth place of both boy and the girl.
It will take 3-5 days to get back to you with the analysis.
Thank you.
Please opt for paid consultations.
hi admin,for ur research i would tell my life story,my parents were both father with mars in 7th house and mother with mars in 8th.They had all love in marriage,but they had to suffer from delayed childbirth that was me,my father had severe health issues,he passed at 63years after lot of health struggle.But I can say despite all this the troubles ,they had the most loving horoscoe has low mangal dosha with mars in 12th and i am going to marry somone with mars in 4th having a high dosha.I dun really worry having seen already two people balancing out marriage so perfectly despite the troubles.
Namaste Ruby,
Thank you so much for the feedback, it would be helpful if you give their birth details for research. There is no connection of manglik dosha with delayed child birth, the health troubles must be visible in individual horoscope itself, the fact that he survived 63 years with health issues indicates that he must be having madhyayu yoga combinations with some factors which indicate bad health. The perfect relationship is attributed to the fact that the manglik dosha did not affect anything in their horoscope since the houses connected to marriage are well fortified. The house connected to health and children may be afflicted causing problems in that area.
Hi sir my details are below mentioned
Prafulla srivastava
DOB : 29-01-1990 ,1625 HRS
Neha Srivastava
DOB: 12 -07-1993, 1630 HRS
Sir my (boy’s) kundali is showing anshik manglik and gun is less matching but we love each other ……wt to do pls guide me sir is there any cure pls tell me I want ur guidance ….
Kindly opt for paid consultation for horoscope match making.
iam high manglik and boy is non manglik is marriage is possible
boy details;-
dob – 24 may 1987
timing 11;22 pm
place ;- lucknow
my detail
dob – 5 sep 1987
timing ;- 5;55am
place ;- ratlam
please reply me as soon as possible
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Hello Sir,
I am a mangalik boy but girl is non mangalik but our points 36, 34 matches as we calculate them from an astrologer.. according to him this marriage will not be successful.. could you please check and let to get this marriage successful in future as well??
My Name – Kapil Chhabra
DOB – 22/10/1991
Time – 6:35 P.M.
Place – Panipat (Haryana)
Girl Name – Komal Sharma
DOB – 13/06/1993
Time – 4:37 P.M.
Place – Delhi
Kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope match making.
hello priyanka,
if ur manglik and ur bf is non manglik then what you will to do in this case . actually same here in my case so i am very confused what to do aur what not to do ..? please reply
Do match making between both, if the horoscopes match well and promise of marriage and married life is good then there is nothing much to worry.
Hi sir,
I am a mangalik boy and ny fiance is also a mangalik girl.. out 36, 16 only matches as we calculate them from an astrologer.. according to him this marriage will not be successful.. could you please check and let me know if there is any scope to get this marriage successful in future as well??
My dob is 7th mar 1990
Place – behala, Kolkata
Time 13:04
Her dob is 24th Dec,1992
Place- ichapore, kolkata
Time 12:35
Please reply soon if possible
Namaste Argha,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope match making.
I am in a relationship with a boy for the past 3yrs. unfortunately when our kundalis were matched it was discovered that i am not manglik but he is manglik. Request you to please analyse and help.
Girls details:
DOB 25th May, 1991
time : 07:05 pm
Place: Agartala, Tripura
Boys details:
DOB 08th Dec, 1990
time:04:20 pm
Place: Kolkata, West Bengal.
Namaste Rupashree,
Kindly opt for paid match making consultations.
I am low manglik Dob 5 july 1989 time 4:15 and my patner is non manglik dob 26 july 1984 time 7:24 pm. As when we matched kundli we non compatible as for low manglik dosha. Can we do marriage please advice.. What problem will occur while doing marrage with him.
Namaste Smriti,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope match making.
Can u match and say whether this relationship is possible or not..
Boys details
Name – Chetan
Pob – chennai
Tob- 7 :52pm
Dob – 27 oct 1992
Girls details
Name – dimple
Pob – chennai
Tob- 6: 50 am
Dob -14 dec 1992
Waiting for ur rply..
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Respected Sir,
I am very high manglik girl and want to marry with my love but unfortunately i am manglik and his non-manglik as well as our matching point is 14.5/36 only. this is quite difficult to accept us bcz practically we are compatible in every manner, like desire, thoughts, values, careers, dream and many more but according to kundli or my mangal dosh we are suffering mentally tension. And this is inter-caste relationship also. I request to you plz suggest me solution on this. We are desperately to marry each other only.
Sulekha sagar
DOB : 29/11/1989
Time: 5:10 AM
Place : Bhopal
Ashish Bhaskar
DOB : 15/1/1985
Time : 7:10 PM
Place : Delhi
Namaste Sulekha,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope match making.
Deepak 27 nov 1990 delhi,
Neetu 7 feb 1991 delhi.. Plz let me know is there any chance for our marriage.
Namaste Deepak,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
I am non maglik and my girlfriend is maglik. We love each other but jab se ye dikhaya h tab se maglik dosh n gun matching give trouble in life. We love each other. Can you give me any solutions? Aur ha jab se ye sab check kiya h life narak ban gyi hai vo ladaki mujhse baat nahi karti.
Vashu Kumar
Dob 20/10/1991
Time 12:25 pm
Place Muzaffarnagar up
Pooja Dhiman
Dob 07/07/1992
Place Saharanpur up
Namaste Vashu,
If the girl has stopped talking with you, then how can you say that you both love each other ? True love transcends all barriers, if somebody stops talking just for such a small issue then how are they going to be with you for the rest of life in bigger issues than this ? I think you have the answer whether you should be with the girl or not. Zindagi narak banani hai ya usko swarg banana hai ye aapke haath me hai, koi aur aapki zindagi narak nahi bana sakta.
Girls DOB 21/8/1983 time 22.44 Place of birth Akron, OH, Summit, United States stated to be Angshik Manglik Boy 19/8/1984 time 22.57 Place of birth New Delhi India Both second marriage. Is the match suitable to each other Please help
Namaste Anil ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope match making.
Im a non manglik girl wanting to marry a manglik boy. My details are 12th january 1983 , 12:35pm, kolkata
His details are 17th april 1980, 3:15am, uttarpara( westbengal).
It is going to be second marriage for both of us.
Please let me know if this marriage is advisable or not.
Namaste Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Namstey sir,
My Name is Vishal Singh
Date of Birth : 23 April 1986.
Time of Birth : 07:22 AM (morning).
Place of Birth: Varanasi (Uttar pradesh).
gender :Male
pls guide me on as i have heard i have very huge effect of mangalik dosh.
Moreover i have heard after the age 0f 28 yeas the effect of manglik dosh is vanished. so in my case till date or at current what is the status of manglik dosh, if it has been vanished, still it is there, how much % is there, if remedy is possible in my case to remove mangla dosh.
Even it seems there is delayed in my marriage due to this. some of match from girl side don’t agree tp proceed further due to this my mangalik dosh.
After all solution and considering all ;what kind of matches i should go for.
Namaste Vishal,
The sexual urge in a man never diminishes with any age, it is the inability of the body which does not let him enjoy, hence effect of mangal dosha may not diminish. The bad and the good effects will depend on the complete horoscope and the promise of marriage and married life shown by the horoscope. There is no percentage to dosha, a dosha is a dosha.
Remedies can be arka or kumbha vivah and daana of kumkum on tuesdays.
Sir before 6 month I got engagement after 1 month my father in low expired and now I heard that my fiance is low manglik plz tell me wht to do I m really very tens his dob is 22-3-1988
Namaste Preeti,
It can be a mere co-incidence as well. Do not worry over such half baked things.
SIR i found my partners n mine kundli milan on online website it resulted 14 points obtained n show low manglik dosha to both of us.we are in relation since 8 years .now we want to marry her parents may not allow due to this result of kundli.plz sir if u got some solution on this help me u can email me on can u explain me what is low mangal dosha.we want to marry at any cost we dnt wanna stuck in this kundli milan bcoz its not resulting 18 points minimum..plz sir help if u can.
Namaste Darpan,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for match making. I can only match horoscopes and tell you whether the match is suitable for married life or not. There is a big difference between being in a relationship and entering married life, both are the domains of different houses in the horoscope.
Hello Pandit ji…
please help !
Actually i am not manglik but the girl which is to be married to me is Manglik. Please tell can we marry ! I really want to marry her. I can do any remedy.
My details : 3-12-1988 , 10:05 AM, Aligarh(UP)
Her details : 31-3-1993, 01:45 AM, Bharatpur (Raj.)
Please help sir.
Namaste Pravin,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope match making.
Hii …
I’m in relationship … but my bf is Manglik nd I’m a non manglik girl … due to that …. all the astrologers Said that our marriage life would nt be successful. ….. Info Given Below
My bf DOB:- 9-11-1995 , time:- 5’7 (shaam ka) ,place:- Delhi
My DoB :- 11-12-1994 ,time 8:15 (Morning) , Place :- Delhi
Plz suggest us what to do …
Namaste Nancy,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope match making to get detailed analysis and guidance.
Hello sir… I am non manglik girl and the boy whose profile I saw on matrimonial site is manglik. But we like profiles of each other n want to marry. Here are the birth details to us
Boy:- Jan 10, 1987; 01:25 PM; Jalandhar
Girl:- Dec 10, 1988; 04:50 AM; Amritsar
Please sir suggest me about our marriage
Thank you
Namaste Mishu,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
What Does LOW MANGLIK Means ??
Namaste Raj ji,
There is nothing like low and high manglik, this is just used to satisfy oneself. By Low manglik they mean to say that mars is placed in benefic rashi’s and has benefic aspects so the intensity of bad results is less.
Hi sir,
My Dob is 13-Sep-1993 time 13.33,place raipur
My Girl Friends Dob is 13-JUNE-1990 time 00.26 place jaggampeta.
Please suggest us what to do because is a mangalik and mars is in 1 st house
Namaste Ashish,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope match-making.
Girl : high mangal dosha
21:30 Lucknow,india
Boy: non mangalik
15:20 pune, india
would the girl’s mangal dosha cause problem to the boy
Namaste Shubhi,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope match-making. Both horoscopes have to be matched and checked in details to reach any conclusion.
Details of Manglik & Non-Manglik Couple, Happily married.
Boy Details: TOB:1700 Hrs 21-Dec-1962 POB: Meerut, UP, India
Girl Details: TOB:1010 Hrs 08-Nov-1963 POB:Meerut, UP, India
Pl share your interpretation through mail-Id below.
Namaste Virendra,
Kindly opt for paid consultations if you want guidance about something. What interpretation do you want about both these horoscopes ?. Thank you for sharing the details.
thanks ashish ji
Three astrolgers viewed my horoscope[F 09/08/1986 5:40 pm Neyveli] and have suggested my marriage life will not go well due to rahu-ketu dosha (Rahu in 2nd house and ketu&mercury in 8th house).
Jupiter in 7th house. Venus & moon in 6th house. Mars in 3rd house. After knowing that i will be widow, i am not able to accept any marriage proposals. By doing pooja(astrologer recommended) will i be able to recover from rahu-ketu dosha? Will this dosha exist through out my life?
What happens if i marry person who doesnt have any dosha? As there is rule: mangalik person should get married to manglik person to cancel the dosha, Does the same rule applies for rahu-ketu dosha?
Please do provide your suggestions.
Note: I am leading happy & successful life till now.
Thanks in advance.
Namaste Rajendra ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations, The whole horoscope w.r.t to dashas, divisional charts and significations of planets needs to be checked to comment on the promise of marriage and married life. By mere positions of planets in birth horoscope, much cannot be said about married life.
Namaste Rajendran ji,
The planetary position you mentioned is not at all there in your horoscope by the details you have provided. Kindly opt for paid consultations if you want to know about the details.
The horoscope should always be balanced in match making, When your body has excess heat you eat a diet which has cold properties or wear gems which have cool and healing properties, likewise if you are extremely aggressive, short tempered marriage with somebody who is a bit understanding, cool tempered should be suggested, if both are hot tempered there will thunder of utensils hurled at each other everyday and marriage will be broken.
Actually i want to marry a boy who is non mangalik but i am maglik.we have shown our kundali to 2-3 astrologer they say my mangal is very harmful for my non magalik husband and it can cause his and his family member i want a solution reagarding it that.Are they predicting true or not?.
Boy’ detail:
Time of birth-1:00 am
Birth of place -Ghaziabad
Girl’s Details:
Time of birth-8:14 am
Birth of Place-Agra.
Please provide me a solution as soon as possible
Namaste Vasudha ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations, there is no rule that marrying a non-manglik kills anyone. Complete horoscope match-making should be done for this, the promise of marriage and married life has to be checked. If the horoscope does not promise good married life or has certain combinations for divorce or marriage there is no point in marrying such person as that would never lead to a good married life irrespective of good matching, remedies can help only where there are mild afflictions, cancellations are seen to check whether there is cancellation of a particular bad combination.
All these things have to be checked in match-making instead of just checking out mangal dosha and gun milan which is done by most of the astrologers without checking horoscopes in depth.
Thank you so much ashish ji…and there is one more thing..that i m an anshik manglik and he is a non manglik…n his parents are creating fuss for that too…what should be done?
Hello ashish ji…
I am a 23 year old girl in love with a 25 year old boy who is of the same gotra and caste as i am. But my great grand father was an adopted child and hence we hopefully do not belong to the same gotra naturally but officially we do. The boys parents are strictly against this marriage but we both cannot live without each other…please help me with some ways..its been 4 years that we are trying to convince his parents but its been of no use..and now my parents are thinking of getting me hooked up with a suitable boy as soon as they find one and i seriously dont want this to happen…i am providing you with both the details of me and the boy:
Boy- Barun Bhalla
DOB- 06-11-1990
Time- 00:25 am
Place- New Delhi
girl- Prachi Bhalla
DOB- 28-12-1991
Time- 07:04 am
Place- New Delhi
Expecting a helpful reply from you as soon as possible..
Namaste Prachi,
What can we do if the parents are not willing to get you both married ? Since your grandfather was adopted we do not know your gotra so unless he did not belong to same gotra it is likely that you both belong to different gotra and can get married in that case.
I understand 4 years is a very long time. Kindly opt for paid consultations if you wish to go for match-making.
sir ,
i married aperson hvaing low mangal dosha , he applied for divorce.i want to know about my realtionship will become again strong or not?
boy:venkata narasimha rao
time :4.17pm
Greetings Manu,
Check your email for details. Kindly opt for paid consultations.
I am 30 years old girl, want to marry a boy who have high mangle dosh in 1st house ( lagna kundali ) and 12 th house in chandra kundali whereas i have anshik mangle dosh in 1st house ( chandra kundali ). Pls suggest can we proceed. The details are as below:
girl’s details:
Date of birth: 22 may 1985
Time: 12:30 AM
Place: Mangaon, Maharashthra
Boy’s details:
Date of birth: 31 Dec 1984
Time: 10:10 AM
Place: mumbai
Greetings Sameera,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for match-making.
I am 31 year old and a proposal from a boy of relative
can you please suggest me… Details are —
the boy is mangal dosha as per online kundali matching,
Can you please tell us that is there any chance that we can marry ?
Boy- nishant kunder
DOB- 08/04/1983
Time- 09.37 am
Place– mumbai
Girl– roshni kotian
DOB– 28/09/1984
Time– 03.45 am
Place– mumbai
Greetings Reshma,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Greetings dilip ji,
Both horoscopes have sun/mars/saturn influence over 7th house which cause both to dominate. Kindly give space to each other, both should compromise and make adjustments for each other, worship seeta-Ram for a good married life.
Both can recite Vishnu Sahasranaam and ram Tarak mantra for a good marriage by praying for the same. Once you start doing this also put efforts in improving marriage and married life by adjusting to each other. Avoid fighting over small issues.
Ashish Desai.
Greetings Goutam,
Kindly opt for paid consultations, we will have to check with prashna horoscope as well.
Greetings Manish,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Greetings Rojalin,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Greetings shruti,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Greetings Sonali,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
I am 30 year old and a proposal from a girl of relative
can you please suggest me… Details are —
Boy- Dheeraj
Place– Amravati
Girl– Suvarna
Time–10.50 Am
Greetings Dheeraj,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Ashish Desai.
Hi ,
I am a manglik boy(Not sure) and my girl friend is non manglik.We had 2 year of relation.
we want to marry but i came to the fact that i am manglik so both of us are confuse. Can you please tell us that is there any chance that we can marry ?
TIME:01:20 AM
TIME:05:30 AM
PLACE :Rehar (UP)
Thanks in advance. Waiting for your reply 🙂
Greetings Babli,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
I am 23 years old girl, want to marry a boy
Pls suggest can we proceed. The details are as below:
girl’s details:
Date of birth: 30 Jan 1993
Time: 1:30 AM
Place: Mumbai
Boy’s details:
Date of birth: 05 Nov 1991
Time: 9:00 AM
Place: Khed Maharashtra,Ratnagiri
Greetings Shweta,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
i m vivek pawar.22 year old
i m noo mangalik but i like she is mangalik aur she also have shani and mangal so what i do for merrage,?
Greetings Vivek,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
I have a Mangal Dosh and girl with whom i want to marry doesn’t have a mangal dosh. please suggest can we proceed. The Details are below:
Boy’s details-
Birth date: 10/11/83
Birth time: 02.15 PM
Birth place: Sewri, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Girls details-
Birth date: 09/08/83
Birth time: 01.05 pm
Birth place: Tuljapur, Maharashtra
Greetings Yogesh,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Dear Sir, please help if the marriage shall be successful.
Boy name – Karan Dhingra
DOB- 11/11/1987
POB- Ghaziabad
Time – 5:25 am
Girl name- Tanusree Saha
DOB- 29/10/1987
POB- Kolkata
Time – 2:40 am
Please suggest what are the remedies for the ill effects. Thanks a lot !
Greetings Tanusree,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
I am 29 years old girl, want to marry a boy how have ghore mangle dosh and i have anshik mangle dosh. Pls suggest can we proceed. The details are as below:
girl’s details:
Date of birth: 16 Jun 1985
Time: 6:30 AM
Place: Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh
Boy’s details:
Date of birth: 17 Jan 1987
Time: 11:25 PM
Place: Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh
Greetings Bhawna,
I have sent an email to you with the details of the consultations and charges, kindly check the same and revert back.
Ashish Desai.
Greetings Anurag,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.The details have been sent to your email address.
Best regards,
Ashish Desai.
greetings Swati,
Kindly opt for paid consultations, the details have been sent to your email address.
Best regards,
Ashish Desai.
I want to match my kundli for marriage with a girl having mangal dosha and I am non manglik. Pls suggest can we proceed. The details are as below:
Boy’s details-
Birth date: 18/01/84
Birth time: 05.05 am
Birth place: Phalegaon, Akola, Maharashtra
Girls details-
Birth date: 02/06/91
Birth time: 08.20 pm
Birth place: Wardha, Maharashtra
Greetings Vivek,
The details have been sent to your email address, kindly check the same and revert back.
Best regards,
Ashish Desai.
Sir my dob is 1-09-1991 7:00 pm kota (rajasthan) and i am manglik. my lover is non-manglik whose dob is 20-02-1990 5:55 pm bhopal. tell me about our planetary positions suitable for marriage or not. can we marry after some remedies or terrible consequences even if we do all the remedies. Please help us. Thanks in advance.
Greetings Anurag,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Best regards,
Ashish Desai.
Hey!!! i want to ask an question>>> Iam also hindu…….>>>> We says that a boy or girl who came into this world on Tuesday is called manglik and should marry to a manglik person….. But what about muslims,jains,or other religion??? Do they also follow this rule????
Greetings Sachin ji,
No, we do not say like that, you have probably read something wrong, Those born on tuesdays are not mangliks.
Yes, Even Muslims, jains and christains today do consult astrologers, You are born into certain religion where you have to follow the dharma and there are certain “Karmas” which are compulsory like the “Shodas Samskarakas” they hindus perform from birth to death of a person, this is not followed in other countries. But they follow their own dharma. You go to stay in the U.S.A and you follow the rules of that country, it is like that, you are born in certain religion, you follow the rules of that religion just to be binded culturally and progress spiritually.
Muslims have many marriages, do we have ? They can have divorces at will by just saying “Talaq” thrice, do we do like that ?
The christian culture is way different than ours, marriages there may not be as sacred as for us, so there are many things that make a difference, recently we have started following the western culture and you see the state of relationships here now-a-days, earlier it was very stable irrespective of the problems they had in marriage, now thee stability, the culture is being lost.
Jains do not eat even potatoes, onions, their menus are listed in the hotels such strong is their culture, do we exert such influence ? No because we dont give a damn to our culture, religions etc. Yes, Jains also follow match-making now-a-days.
The strength and stability of relationships somewhere had the root lying deeply in to following of dharma, if you ponder and think upon it you will find the answer. You cannot change the basic promise/ combinations in your horoscope, but you can find the best available stuff within your reach as per your horoscope through match-making.
I hope that answers your query.
Hello sir, m a non manglik guy.i hav researched so much about manglik,as my partner is manglik.but all my research till now didnt help us get through our fear.we truely love each other n c has a strong belief that if we involve in sexual activity before marriage then i would die an uncertain untimely death or we would b part from each other.We r nt yet ready to get married.i have strong hope that u might b able to clear our confusion,as it has become difficult for us to hold any longer to ignore our sexual needs…till now we r nt involved in sex.i hav high hopes that u might b able to suggest us whether it would affect us after marriage and our future.i have heard that there r sum rituals that might help to get through this problem n we can hav our sexual needs fulfilled widout any fear….sir your suggestions would b an unforgettable value for us….
Boy’s Details
DOB – 15/11/1989
Time – 03:35 ratri
Girl’s Details
DOB – 20/10/1990
I would b eargly waiting for ur any possible suggestions for us.I have tried so many places and sir u r our last hope to get a proper solution for our problem.
Hi sir! I am mangalik girl.I have saptam mangalik dosh.I got luv marriage already BT my husband expired earlier.Now I have someone special in my life.kya without marriage hum saathme ho sakthe hai.
Hi I am a non manglik girl but i m in love with someone who is manglik, and this is a very big issue for our parents to get convinced. Please suggest the best way possible .
Girl’s Details
DOB – 06/04/1991
Time- 05:45 AM
Place – Korba (Chattisgarh)
Boy’s Details
DOB – 29/03/1986
Time – 10:30 AM
Place – Chandigarh
Am i mild manglik and i marry strong manglik
I am a 25 years girl and love a person since 2 years. Sir i have a strong manglik dosha in my kundli. So, now I am afraid of going forward for marriage. Plz suggest me..
Girl’s detail – Meenakshi
DOB- 24-01-1990
Time- 4:00 pm
Boy’s details -Gaurav Nirgude
DOB – 11-02-1989
Time: 4:00 AM
PLACE – BIDAR Karnataka
Dear Sir,
my wife pinky
date of birth is 09-Dec-1987, @ 10-35am
Sankeshwar , beguam district, Hukkeri taluk,place of birth
and myself malatesh date of birth
15 jan 1984, 01-25am haver district, haveri taluk, Karnataka place of birth
our marriage date is 24 Nov 2010, and we have son whos date of birth is 5 Feb 2012, after marriage I have lost job my financial conditions become are not good, after marriage I use to shout at here I am in need of more sex but that was not possible wwith here, she became very week she went to her mother house Now she is refusing to come back saying your financial conditions r not good and u r doubting me so she is telling we shall have mutual divorce after that I was frustrated become cool and communicated very softly I managed to convince her and request to her come back, now she is agreed to come back, on 29 after herbrother marriage nowadays my problem is I have visited no of website and came to know that I have mangal dosh, which is effecting her and when I look her birth chart which i feel I lost the job, and I am in doubt that whether she is having Relationship wit others, I want to know am I right or wrong if right please give me solution how to come out of this
Another question If a manglik marries to non manglik without knowing and after came to know but want to live together but conditions like this unemployment financial problem if two of them love each other but can’t with these pleasegive me solution for this
And I request u sir please don’t reply that u go for payed consultant
Dear Ashish Ji,
You have only given answers for some of my queries. I was informed that you would send match making report in another e-mail. I also asked you some more information.I am looking forward to your reply.
I am a non Manglik Boy, i love a girl and she is heavy Manglik. Our Details are as follows:
Time:04:55 AM
Place: Jhansi, UP
Time:11:51 AM
Place: Patna, Bihar
Could you please suggest some remedy, as i love my girl a lot and its not possible for me to live without her, and she is very much worried about this.
Please help me i am ready to do whatever possible to have a happy and successful relationship.
gud evening sirr i also have a doubt that i am manglic nd i want to marry a non manglic girl can i marry with her my name is karan patwal i am 20 years and my d.o.b is 25/01/1994 i was born at 3;20 am tuesday is i am manglic or not plss tell me
Greetings Karan,
please opt for paid consultations.
Ashish desai.
Hello I need your help admin..
I and my friend is in love from past 2 years now when the wedding talks are onn our families matched our kundlies. And found out that I am strong manglik girl and he is not plus our gunas match are very low and everybody has fed our mind with doubts regarding future and suggested to give up..please advice
girl’s date of birth. … 11th may 1989 time 10.00am
boy’s date of birth 27 feb 1987 time 4.25 am
please reply we need your assistance.
Greetings ritu,
Please opt for paid consultation for match-making. You will get a report with positive and negative points along with conclusion and snapshot analysis of married life of both to see if the basic promise is good or has any problem.
Ashish Desai.
hello sir.. i need to know if mars and rahu present in the same house that is 7th of the same person.. Does rahu nullifies the maanglik effect?
Greetings Prerna,
No, Rahu intensifies the affliction of mars, it makes angarak yoga and the intensity of the damage or affliction will depend on closeness of mars and rahu in degrees to each other.
Ashish Desai.
I confirmed that I am a Mangalik using ‘Manglik Calculator’. My lover is not a Mangalik, this also I confirmed with Manglik Calculator only.
But His parents are refusing strongly for our marriage. We are in love for 5 years.
As Mangal dosha has been cancelled for me or not, Can marriage be done between me and my lover.???
Below are our details:
D.O.B = 14-January-1982
Time = 03:08 AM
Place = Guwahati,Assam India
D.O.B = 19-June-1977
Time = 10:45 AM
Place = Guwahati, Assam, India
Greetings Purbi,
Please opt for paid consultations, match-making will have to be done with respect to planetary positions of both horoscope and married life and any problems if present will have to be seen before saying anything in this regards.
You can opt for paid consultation for the same.
Ashish Desai.
Hello Sir,
I have sent a mail to you clearly. I will opt for paid consultation, but you have not replied. Looking forward to your reply.
Greetings Upendra ji,
I have sent you an email, please check and revert back, I did not get any emails from you earlier or may be I missed it due to busy schedule. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Ashish desai.
I confirmed that I am a Mangalik using ‘Manglik Calculator’. My lover is not a Mangalik, this also I confirmed with Manglik Calculator only.
But His parents are refusing strongly for our marriage. We are in love for 5 years.
That Manglik calculator said that
“The person’s Mangal dosha has been cancelled due to following reasons:
Lagna(Ascendant) is Karkata(Cancer), therefore Mars is a yoga karaka and so no dosha wherever it is placed.
Benefic Jupiter occupies the Ascendant.
Benefic Venus occupies the Ascendant.
Mars is in conjunction or aspected by Jupiter.”
As Mangal dosha has been cancelled for me, Can marriage be done between me and my lover.???
Below are our details:
D.O.B = 01-June-1991
Time = 11:15 AM
Place = Gudiyatham, TamilNadu, India
D.O.B = 06-January-1989
Time = 5:00 AM
Place = Gudiyatham, TamilNadu, India
Greetings Preeti ji,
Please opt for paid consultations for horoscope match-making. Guru-mangal opposition or combination is also known as “Unmad Yoga”, Cannot say anything without checking the complete horoscopes.
Ashish Desai.
can i pay through online mode for matchmaking consultation?
Greetings Pallavi,
Yes you can pay through online mode for match-making. The bank account details are given under “Astrology Consultation” tab.
You can also email your queries through the contact form or the email id provided on the same page.
Ashish Desai.
i am manglik and i had married a non manglik girl..i have been facing financial problems from the past 22 yrs..please help
Greetings swarn,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Ashish Desai.
hello sir.
i want to know wheather my brother is manglik or not.evry pandit in our area told us he has manglik dosha.i need to knw is it true or not pls help us,
D.O.B :13-04-1986
T.O.B :10:30pm
place :Hyderabad.
we are in great confusion,pls let me know.!
Greetings Kavya,
Your brother is manglik as per south indian point of view as they consider mars in 2nd as manglik.
In navamansha horoscope mars is placed in 7th which is worse and again it is placed in 8th from moon in the lagna chart.
The degree of mars is 14 and the degree of lagna is 24, that brings mars in the 1st house so yes he seems to be manglik.
Ashish Desai.
i got marry with high manglik boy have one daughter.i am not manglik can we remove manglik dosh after marriage…we jave too much problem in our married life..
Greetings Pinki ji,
The problem in married life may be due to other factors like afflicted 7th house, 7th lord and venus plus the afflictions in the navamsha, being manglik alone will never spoil married life. What kind of problems are you facing ?
Ashish Desai.
Minakshi rana 21st Nov 1992….
Time 11:25 am.
Place nagrota bagwan(kangra) GO
Greetings Minakshi,
please opt for paid consultations.
hello sir,
I would like to know if I am manglik and if yes then does it get cancelled due to planets in my chart and can I get married to a non mangalik
time:12:05 pm
place: mumbai
Greetings Priya,
The cancellation and the conclusion of you getting married to a non-manglik would depend on the matching of the horoscope with your partner. Please opt for paid consultations for the same if you want to match horoscopes.
Ashish Desai.
Sir, I would like to know if at all I am mangalik and will my marriage be love or arrange one…It would be very helpful if you could give some information..
Greetings priya,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Ashish Desai.
I m Khin from Myanmar. My boy friend is Punjabi , manglik. He said we cannot married coz he is maglik. Why we cannot married? What is the problem of manglik. He said if we married, we got problem. Some people died if they married manglik with non- manglik.
Greetings Khin,
Does he really want to get married to you ? Nobody dies because of the partner being manglik, the combinations for widowhood or short life are present in the horoscope of the person itself, they just meet the another half having opposite combinations. E.g A wife having combinations for widowhood will automatically get a husband having combinations for short life.
To get the horoscopes matched properly and conclude whether there is a problem in getting married or not, you can opt for paid consultations for horoscope match-making.
Ashish Desai.
Hi Sir, iam a non-mangalik girl can i marry mangalik boy. GIRL Name : Poonguzhali D.O.B: 31 dec 1992 Time : 09.05 pm(21.05) Place : Chengalpattu,Tamil Nadu,India BOY Name : Loganathan D.O.B: 06 Aug 1992 Time ; 12.15 am(00.15) Place: Mannargudi,Tamil Nadu,India
Greetings Poonguzhali,
Please opt for paid consultations for horoscope match-making.
Ashish Desai.
hi i need to know if im mnglik or no?
place: new delhi
time: 11:52am
its urgent plz do revert
Greetings Gurleen,
Yes you are manglik.
Ashish Desai.
Is it not cancelled cz mars is in itd own sign??
please sir do revert i need to know does my manglik dosha gets cancelled cz its in its own house??
No the dosha does not get cancelled, mars is placed in the 8th house.
but its in scorpio sign…tab bhi cancel nhi hoga?
No, Mars is placed in its own sign making it more stronger. people say that the dosha gets nullified but it is actually not so.
swachetre uchrashi sthite uchrashe swanshgep va!
angarko na doshsyath karkaya singhe na doshbhank!!
what does this shlok means sir?
Self placed, exalted, cancer, leo mars does not cause manglik dosha is the meaning, but the fact is other wise when you practically look at the horoscope.
One should also try to understand what being manglik does, what is the difference between manglik and non manglik people, when does mars placed in certain houses harm and when it does not. The promise of marriage and married life is first thing to be analyzed, match-making is about matching planetary positions between two people first and then the asta-koota, the former is very important. After considering all these things one can decide to go ahead or not.
Just being manglik or non manglik is not a factor to decide everything about marriage. I hope you read the entire article also along with other articles on match-making.
Ashish Desai.
Hi Sir, iam a non-mangalik girl can i marry mangalik boy.
Name : Poonguzhali
D.O.B: 31 dec 1992
Time : 09.05 pm(21.05)
Place : Chengalpattu,Tamil Nadu,India
Name : Loganathan
D.O.B: 06 Aug 1992
Time ; 12.15 am(00.15)
Place: Mannargudi,Tamil Nadu,India
Greetings Poonguzhali,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Ashish Desai.
Can a manglik girl can marry a non manglik boy ..plz help me
Greetings Niharika,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Ashish Desai.
Sir please let me know im in relationship with a guy he also interested but all ate saying lke our horoscope doesnt match…but please sir tell me remedys sir
Zodiac sign:aries
Zodiac sign:taurus
Greetings Hinduja ji,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Ashish Desai.
hello sir i m a manglik girl but loves a non-manglik boy and our families are also agreed but the only concern is my manglik dosh how it can be remedial for our marriage discription are as below:
Shraddha Rajput 07/02/1988,time-11:45 am, place- panna M.P.
Raj Sengar 01/11/1989,time-14:55 pm,place-indore M.p.
Greetings Shraddha,
Please opt for paid consultations for horoscope matching.
Ashish Desai.
Dear Sir,
Hello, I am a high manglik girl who loves a non manglik guy. please help us.
kARISHMA -my DOB – 03/12/1990 TOB-06:00AM
Rahul – DOB-29/11/1986 TOB – 11:15 AM
Greetings Karishma,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Best regards,
Ashish Desai.
thank you Ashish ji
hello sir i have two questions.
1. does presence of mangal in second to asc (huse of guru) means manglik?
2 mangal in own house (either in aries or scorpio) nullifies the bad effct of manglik
Namaste Diya ji,
No Mars in 2nd house is not considered as Manglik position in North India, but it is considered so in South.
Mars in own house does not nullify the effect, being manglik is not always bad as it depends on other factors how it will impact.
Ashish Desai.
Pls help me too.
Name:Sachin (non-manglik)
DOB: 18/03/1982
Birth Place: Gwalior
Name:Bharti (Manglik)
DOB: 12/11/1981
Birth Place: New Delhi
Please help me .. I am damm confuse.
greetings sachin ji,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Ashish Desai.
HELLO sir I would like to know about my daughter’s marriage. As she is low manglik n the boy I have looked for her is not manglik is there possibility of marriage? As thw boy is really good.
Greetings Rachna ji,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
Being grateful in today’s world does not help me feed my family, I hope you understand this :). WELL SAID.
Thank you very much Mani ji,
I have to say this continuously as people don’t understand needs of others.
Dear Admin, I like your straightforward replies. It’s very important than just to please and threat the public.
I don’t understand why people repeatedly writes here for match-making when it is hundreds of time mentioned to opt for paid service.
People should not prolong the thread only by asking match-making questions since the admin has been cleared it many times that he doesn’t do free consultations. I think people should ask something for which admin can answer something productive and important to learn, not simply the same repetition “Please opt for paid consultations”. Thank you.
Greetings Mani ji,
Thank you very much for your comments and I am glad that you liked the articles and replies here, I think most of the people don’t read the blog completely or ignore to see even the heading of the blog.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
Dear Sir,
My sister’s daughter’s date of birth is 7.11.1988, born on monday at 05.57 p.m.In her rasi chakra, she has Mars in 12th house and next is lagna. I have been told that she is mangalic and her horoscope has to be matched with only a person’s horoscope having mangali. Please explain and tell me what to do
Namaste Sooriyanarayanan ji,
Horoscope match making is far more vast than this mangalik thing, if the horoscope promises happy married life there is no need to get into all these things, match-making is done on basis of checking planetary positions with respect to each others horoscope and the significations of present and future dashas to see if there is a good promise of marriage in both horoscopes, porutham and all is secondary step, they cannot help if there is no good promise of marriage in horoscope which is a basic requirement.
thanks and regards,
Ashish desai.
Dear Sir,
I am in love with a girl from different caste for 7 years. Its now impossible to think of separation and unethical too. Her parents are suddenly disapproving based on horoscope. I would definitely going for paid consultation but preliminary the details are
Boy: Dipankar dey, 03 Oct 1982,Silchar (Assam) 8 AM birth time
Girl: Prabha Devi Moirangthem, 27 Mar 1983, Moirang(Manipur), 7 PMm birthtime
From yesterday searched some online horoscope matchmaking, some are saying uttam purutham, aome are saying not possible…really confused. Please help me
Greetings Dipankar ji,
Sent you and email, Kindly check and revert back.
september 29, 2014
I have a manglik dosha. Can I marry a non-manglik girl. My date of birth is
03/12/1986 at 5.50 a.m.
This can only be told after matching both horoscopes, Please opt for paid consultations for the same.
Hi me n my girlfriend wants to get married , but she is manglik please help us, below are our details
D.O,B- 09/12/1990
Time- 7:00 PM
Place- Rohtak, Haryana
D.O.B- 14/05/1993
Time- 5:00 AM
Place- Rohtak, Haryana
Please opt for paid consultations.
My Name Reema my Date of Birth 17/10/1979 and Birth timing is 8.45 PM I am effected by Manglik Dosh i was married 2005 and got divorce within a year and my parents are looking for another marriage please guide me what to do in these is it possible for another marriage if possible when it is there
Namaste Reema ji,
Please opt for paid consultations, a prashna chart needs to be seen for your marriage query along with the birth chart.
thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
Dear Sir,
i am deepak, and i m in love with a girl who is manglik. please suggest me if we get married, will the mangalik dosh effects our lyf
my detail
DOB 04/07/1983
TIME 03:50AM
DOB 09/08/1985
TIME 09:30PM
Namaste Deepak ji,
Please opt for paid consultations for match making.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
Mera name dimple hai n m janna chahti hu kya m manglik hu??
Birth date is 5sept 1991, tym 09:20, place bathinda(punjab)
Namaste Dimple ji,
Ji haan aap manglik hai.
Ashish Desai.
Hello sir..
I am in relation with a mabgalik boy..and love him a lot.. bt our families will not accept due to his manglik dosha. Is der any option to rectify the dosha and uf i could marry hi and want to live with him.. plzzz help me he is 1 yr younger than me..
Girls details:
Prerna Dubey
9:30 pm
Bokaro(jharkhand)- birth place
Boys details
Satyam Pandey
Namaste Prerna dubey ji,
Please opt for paid consultations for horoscope match making.
Hello sir.
My details : 1989-05-23 Time 03:53 – aries
Boy’s Detail : 1988-08-05 Time: 22:00 – pisces
His mars is in 1st house.
Mars is in 3rd house in my horoscope where the moon is in 9th house with shani.
Are we matching? Is it mangalik dosha?
pls help.
Namaste Anuradha ji,
Please opt for paid consultations for horoscope matching.
Hello, Sir,
I am Hemant kumar singh and my DOB is 25th May 1986 birth place tundla (UP).. I really donot know whether I am manglik or not.. some websites says yes and pandits says no.. So I am in confusion please help me out on this matter so that I can look forward to take any marriage decision.
Thanks for the help.
Namaste Hemant kumar ji,
You haven’t provided the time of birth.
Hello Sir,
i am mudit jain my D.O.B is 11/11/1990 i want to marry with girl from last 1.5 years we are together we are happy but i am non manglik and she is manglik please help me sir her saturn and mars in 12th house so is there any solution pls . i will never forget your obligence
Namaste Mudit ji,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Namaste! Could you please provide your consultation details via email at
Namaste Nandini ji,
Sent you an email with all the details. Please check and revert back.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
I m anshik mangalik n i luv sum1 who is non manglik
As per Ashtkuta system our match is 17/36
Kindly suggest sumthng
Please opt for paid consultations Anshik ji,
thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
Namaste Pooja ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
hi sir,
My details are DOB 15/04/1989
DOB 19/01/1984
hello sir,
I m married to high manglik boy on 28-nov-2010.My DOB is 07-jan-1985,Time of birth is 00:05 HRS and my husband DOB is 15-nov-1980,Time of birth is 21:30 hrs.there are lots of problems, Quarells in my married life.Both of us are not happy.he is not talking to me from last 5 months and tis is very common.Pls help me.Pls tell me what to do to have a happy married life.
Namaste Astha ji,
I will try to help you out to the best of my ability, Please opt for paid consultations.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
hello sir my name is arti actully i lyk someone who is non manglik ,or am manglik …our faimly also agree for our marriage ..but jst want to can our marriage would be sucessfull, my dob 8 oct ,1990 place alwar rajasthan ,time 9.35 night or his name sourabh ,dob 16 sep.,1987 ,time 12.50 night,place faridabad.please tell me sir.
Namaste aarti ji,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Honestly, I think Desai ji deserves a special award for patience and courtesy. Really! How many times should he copy paste the basic and fair fact that one should pay for obtaining a service? 🙂
Hi Admin,
I am non manglik girl & i love ome one who is maglik, we want to marry but some pandit told us that if we marry each other then one will die or there will be divorce, please advice.
Priyanka Tyagi 14 oct 1985 nagaland 10.45 am
Gourav kumar 12 mar 1983 samastipur 6.05 pm
Namaste Priyanka ji,
Please opt for paid consultations, you will get a report having positive and negative points with your match along with conclusion which will help you decide whether you can go for this match or not. If the horoscopes match well you can convince your parents based on the points in the report. Being manglik does not necessarily kill partner unless such combinations are present.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish desai.
My details are as given below :
Myself meenu DOB : 3/5/1991, Time : 11:30 pm, Place : Ambala, Haryana
and boy : mukesh DOB : 09/8/1989, Time : 04:01 pm., Place : Hamirpur, Himachal pardesh
Please suggest what should i do, i am manglik and my bf is not manglik. We both wants to marry
Thanks in advance…
Namaste Meenu ji,
Please opt for paid consultations, you will get a report having positive and negative points with your match along with conclusion which will help you decide whether you can go for this match or not. If the horoscopes match well you can convince your parents based on the points in the report. Being manglik does not necessarily kill partner unless such combinations are present.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
I have a proposal of a girl who have a strong mars and Saturn union in 7th house. I liked the girl to get marry but confused by one of the astrologer saying that there will be death for a person with whom she gets marry.
Our details are as given below :
Myself DOB : 12/11/1974, Time : 16:15 (04:15 pm), Place : Mumbai
Her DOB : 03/01/1982, Time : 11.59 am., Place : Panchgani (Satara), Maharashtra
Please suggest should i marry to this girl?
Thanks in advance…
Regards, Milind
Namaste Milind ji,
Replied to you via email.
Thanks and regards
hello sir
i m a highly mangalik girl . i just want to know for how many years my mangal dosh will be and can i get marry to a non mangalik boy
7:43 am
Namaste Komalpreet ji,
Yes, you can marry a non-manglik if your horoscopes match.
Thanks and regards,
Namaste Komalpreet ji,
Yes you can marry a non-manglik if your horoscopes match well.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
Hi There,
I have manglik dosha (5th March 1984, Durgapur, West Bengal, India, 1.35 pm) and my husband (24th July 1983, Baharampur, West Bengal, India, 12.56 pm) does not have a manglik dosha. We got married on 30th November, 2012 and have a son (6th June, 2014, Gurgaon, India, 1.33 pm). The current situation is I am at my parents house with my son as I have done a police complaint against him and in laws for physical torture multiple times.
So, our marriage is in trouble right now even though we both would like to give it a try again.This is just to help you collecting charts for your research. If you wish to know more, please feel free to email me.
Thank you Ruma ji,
I will get back to you after checking the horoscopes, I don’t think being manglik is the only reason for this problem, there must be other combinations especially wife beating combinations in the horoscope and a badly placed 8th house or lord.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
Thank you Sir..
Namaste Ruma ji,
Both of you happen to be chandra manglik, there is no manglik dosha from lagna in both horoscopes.
Afflicted 8th house from lagna and moon is the reason for torture.
It would be better if you both can stay separately from in-laws for some time to avoid their interference in married life. Horoscope is very good you should pursue a career as well.
hello, can i have your contact details or any Astrologer’s contact details for my marriage match making. I am non manglik and my partner is manglik, but i am unable to figure out a trustworthy astrologer.
Greetings Tarun ji,
you can contact me for match-matching of your horoscope, you will get a report which will have positive and negative points of match along with conclusion which will help you to decide whether you should go ahead or not. This report is based on planetary match-making along with asta-koota matching giving more weightage on planetary matching of horoscopes.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
Namaste Tarun ji,
I have emailed you, kindly check.
Thanks and regards
Hello, my name is shipra i got married on 8th february 2014. Recently i came to know that i have a high mangal dosh and my husband doesnt! My DOB – 23rd feb 1992, place- dahod, gujarat,time- 5.00pm! And my Husbands DOB – 18th november 1987, time- 11am, place- Mumbai. Pls help me with remedies to overcome. Ours was love marrige. But am really worried after hearing all negative stuff. Pls help me out.
Namaste Shipra ji,
Please opt for paid consultations. There is no need to worry if marriage is working fine.
Hi… I am a 25 year old girl and thinking of marriage with a 27 year old with High Mangal Dosha…
Can you tell whether to go forward with this or not..
Boy’s Name- Manan Chopra
D.O.B- 27-7-1987
Time- 19.43 hours pm
Place- New Delhi
Girl’s Name- Shruti Khanna
D.O.B- 24-1-1989
Time- 3.45 hours am
Place- Delhi
Namaste Shruti ji,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Thanks and regards.
Hello Rohan ji,
It depends on match-making of the horoscopes between you two, however a manglik can marry a non-manglik if horoscopes match properly, you can opt for paid consultations for horoscope matching where you will get a report having both positive and negative points between your horoscope match along with conclusion which will help you to decide whether you should go ahead or not and what to expect from married life.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish desai.
Humne horoscope match kiya 13gun are match.
My birth day is 2-2-1990
birth time is 11.59PM
she’s bithday 30-11-1993
birth time 9.30Am
Namaste Rohan Mhatre ji,
Please opt for paid consultations, Matching of less gun does not mean bad match if planetary matching is good.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
Hello Sir. Can you please help me. I am non-manglik and going for an arranged marriage with a guy who is strong-manglik (mars in 7th house). Following are birth details:-
My details = DOB -12 May 1983, Place – Rohtak (Haryana), Time – 00:45 AM.
His details = DOB – 13 April 1980, Place – Ludhiana (Punjab), Time – 4:00 AM.
This will be a second marriage for both of us ( as we both are divorcee). I am really worried as i cant take a risk second time. Please help. Thanks a lot.
Namaste Nidhi ji,
Being manglik alone does not spoil marriage ever unless there are other factors for a bad marriage in a horoscope. I have known many couples who have married inspite of one being manglik and other being non-manglik and have lead a happy married life for many years and still continue to live. There are many other factors which affect married life other than being manglik. Even low scores cannot be the factor, if planetary match is good along with a promise of happy marriage, low score and manglik factor cannot harm marriage.
If you want to have consultations you can opt for paid consultations.
thanks and regards,
Ashish desai.
I am a non manglik and my husband is maglik. We recently got married and did not check our kundlis before marriage. But now I got to know that my husband has high manglik dosh and I am completely non manglik. In his Kundali, in the birth chart, Mangal is placed in Twelfth house from Lagna, while in the Moon chart Mangal is placed in Eighth house. He doesnot believe in all this but I could feel that some problems have started comeing between us. Is this because his mangal is placed in the 8th and the 12th house and also he has got some health issues also. Please help me.
my DOB-04/03/1983
place: Matunga-Mumbai
time 06.00pm (18.00)
in my birth chart Mars and Venus are to gather in 8th house(in pisces). i got divorced in just 6 months as marriage didnt consummate. i m scared of widowhood and do contineous chanting and prayers to avoid it.
in 7th house sun and mercury and in 3 rd house i have moon and saturn to gather. this may b d cause of acute depression which i suffered
can u plz shed some light on the issue of marriage, married life and my job.
will i get married and enjoy marital bliss in my life??`
You will have a good second marriage. There is no combination for widowhood. Don’t worry about it. You will do good in Consulting, Banking, Finance, Teaching etc.
I and my wife got married on 26th may 2008. our (love) marriage got placed in a temple.
please help to share some predictions as even after marriage girl parents are not accepting our marriage and still we are trying to convince them, due to which still we both are living separately.
BOY: DOB-11-06-1984 TIME-04:05:00 AM
GIRL: DOB-08-05-1986 TIME-08:46:00 AM
I want to know if me and my friend can get married. I’m a manglik and the girl isnt and would like to know the outcome if we get married.
Boys Data:
DOB: 21/04/1986, Time: 09:15 AM, Place: New Delhi
Girls Data:
DOB: 17/12/1987, Time: 08:30 AM, Place: New Delhi
My dob – 28.07.1969 : 17.57 : Kalyan – Dist-Thane. Maharashtra
Husband DOB – 17.3.1971 : 23.02 : Gwalior – MP.
It was stated that I am manglik where as my husband non-manglik. however, we are happily married.
Namaste Ash ji,
Thank you very much for the feedbacks, This data will be of immense help to me in my research :).
i love a guy since 5 years who is manglik, please help us my parents are totally against our marriage now but we really cant live without each other,i m sendin u the details
akhil garg
time-12pm noon tuesday
dob-1st march 1988
place-faridkot punjab
my details
tanuja senapaty
dob-21st oct,1990 sunday
Namaste sneha ji,
There is no point in match making if you are in love because people usually do not listen even if you tell them that the charts do not match and most often if people if of marriageable age are in love, it is possible that they are made for each other and parents should not interfere much unless there is some serious issue like the boy isn’t earning, but if both are well settled there is no problem to get them married instead of being stuck to some idiotic reasons of not letting them marry.
Another thing, if one is destined to be a widow/ or to have a divorce it will happen irrespective of your marriage with anybody. Be it a love marriage or arrange, you cannot avoid this.
“Another thing, if one is destined to be a widow/ or to have a divorce it will happen irrespective of your marriage with anybody. Be it a love marriage or arrange, you cannot avoid this.”
This is a good point indeed. You can’t avoid or by-pass your destiny which is based on your previous karma. Only God can interfere and change the destiny.
hey Im a non manglik gal in love with a person(with low mangal dosha) for the past three years….can we marry?
29 januay 1991
time: 8:17 pm
place:st stephens hospital delhi
10 feb 1992
time: 5:15 pm
place: delhi
Hi Can you please help me finding out whether this match would be good for both of us or not. I am a divorcee and the guy is widowed with a 2 yr old son. I find him perfect for me but the kundli says he is manglik. In my last marriage also the guy was manglik and after a struggle of 6 yrs I had to divorce him. Now I dont want to suffer the same pain in this second marriage. Please advice here if possible.
Guys Particular –
DOB – 9th Dec. 1981
POB – Mathura
TOB – 07:21 pm
Girls Particular –
DOB – 22nd Jan. 1982
POB – Delhi
TOB – 09:20 pm
I am in a relationship with a boy for the past 5 yrs. unfortunately wen our kundalis were matched it was discovered that he is manglik. Request you to please analyse and help.
Girls details:
DOB 30th Oct 1988
time : 23:03 hrs
Place: Rohtak(haryana)
Boys details:
DOB 3rd sep 1987
time:08:30 am
Place: Rohtak,Haryana
Please help us asap. Please. Otherwise or parents would get us married somewhere else.
hi sir ,
I am in love with the girl for 5 years . Some of them are saying she is manglik so you better dont marry her . Pelase help me out .
Girls details :
DOB : 23 / 10 / 1991
Time : 5 pm
Place : Tenkasi
Boys details “:
DOB : 29/10 / 1988
time : 6:11 AM
Place : Tenkasi
Kiara ji,
It depends upon the horoscope on whole, Merely having a mangalik dosha does not qualify to spoil ur married life,
Mangal means energy, it represents the energy at base chakra and hence gives high sexual appetite to the one having mangal. It is just that a person having mangal is more hungry and demands more food than a person having no-mangal.
Unless there are other indications in the horoscope like widowhood, ill-health, unhappy marriage such things will not happen only due to one being mangalik and other being not.
I am in a relationship with a boy for the past 8 yrs. unfortunately wen our kundalis were matched it was discovered that i am manglik. Request you to please analyse and help.
Girls details:
DOB 17th Dec 1985
time : 13:17 hrs
Place: chandigarh
Boys details:
DOB 20th sep 1985
time:11:30 am
Place: Naraingarh,Ambala,Haryana
I have manglik dosha (16th October 1980, Sholapur, India, 12.25 pm) and my wife (21st January 1984, Pandharpur, India, 7.50 am) does not have a manglik dosha. We have a son (22nd March 2010, Pandharpur, India, 7.02 pm). She left me and took our son with her and has applied for a divorce. She does not even let me meet my son.
So yeah – our marriage did not work. I dont know if this helps you collecting charts for your research. If you wish to know more, please feel free to email me.
Hello j09093001,
Thanks for providing the data. It will definitely help me for my research.
Here in both charts 8th house is afflicted and the 7th lord of navamansh mars is afflicted in your navamansh going to the 12th house in aspect of saturn, and venus the karaka for marriage is debilitated under mars saturn axis.
In your wife’s horoscope Venus is in mool gandaanta, the karaka for marriage along with 8th house d9 are weak which might have resulted in such incident.
So it is actually due to the afflictions to 7th and 8th houses and the mangalik dosha is not alone responsible. You can email me some more info on, would like to know more.
hello i am mahesh agarwal. my age is 27+ and i am non mangalik ,but their is someone in my life she is double manglik ,so i want to know…what would be the future if we will marry each other.
Hello Mahesh,
There is nothing called double Manglik, soumya mangalik etc. If one has mars in 1,4,7,8,12 houses it is supposed to be a mangalik horoscope.
Yes a Mangalik can marry a Non-mangalik considering other factors and how the mars is placed in that chart. For this both horoscopes need to be seen.
Dear Sir,
My name is Pradip Sardar. DOB is 07/07/1986. Place of Birth-Kolkata, India, Time 2 pm.
My marriage life is very disturbed. My wife leave me without any proper reason during her pregnancy.
My question is
1) Is there any chance for come back of my wife
2) Is there any divorce chance in my horoscope or 2nd marriage chance
Greetings PRadeep ji,
Kinldy opt for paid consultations.
Hi…I stay in Mumbai n would like to know some good n not expensive consultant to show my fiancée n my kundalini…pls recommend…my cell phone no is 9820972132 / 9820889588
Greetings Viraj,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope match-making. If you want to consult me you can drop me an email with details of both and pay the consultation charges before consultations.
congrats . For manglik dosh, only 9 krura nakshatra(malefic) out off 27 , are to be consider. Secondly,If 7th, 8th and 12th houses are affected with above krura nakshtra, then only adverse effect seen. This statement is based on case studies . Hence dont affred of Mangalik Dosh.
thanks. pl. check with some charts