Stock market astrology helps you to invest in right stocks and guides you to right investments in short run and long run. Stock trading is a very risky business because it induces greed and insatiable desire in your mind to keep gambling. The restlessness and the greed to earn money makes you invest more and more even if you know you are loosing. It is a sort of addiction for many people, a very dangerous addiction.

Stock market astrology
Earning money and success in stock market is possible if you get the following steps right:-
- Invest in right company
- Enter at the right time
- Exit at the right time.
- Control your lust and greed.
Each step contributes to your success and the last step will contribute to your prosperity.
If you want to buy or sell certain stock/shares anywhere in any stock exchange in the world you can just contact me with the name of stock and the nature of stock along with the name of stock exchange. You will be told whether it will be profitable or not. The level of profit cannot be ascertained but you will be told whether you can make low, medium or high profit.
One should not become greedy after receiving such advice and should think of earning in the long run.
The success and failure of earning in stock market is completely dependent on the individual horoscope of the person trading in stock market. It is advisable to know whether you have success in stock market or not before venturing into this business.
A good dasha+antardasha along with transits and basic promise is required to earn in stock market. Astrological advice should be taken as a guidance in the same way you take guidance of experts and advisors, there are no guarantees of success in stock market but you can achieve at least 70% success through stock market astrology consultancy services if your horoscope is favorable for gains from stock markets.
You can opt for 3 services in stock market astrology.
- Birth Horoscope based report – In this report you will receive analysis based on your birth horoscope. Is stock market favorable for you? Long term or short term trading? Dasha/antardash analysis? Which sectors can be profitable? Which stocks can be profitable? Which nakshatra’s are good for trading (moon transit through the given nakshatras can be used for trading).
One time Detailed Report 51 USD or 2500/- INR.
- Prashna astrology – You can ask about investing in a specific stock. You can ask whether investing in Specific stock/share will be profitable for you or not? You should name the stock and give the nature of stock along the name of stock exchange. You can also ask like, Will I make profit in trading today?
Per Scrip/Trade prashna 10 USD or 499/- INR
- 1 year Stock market analysis – Whether this year is good for you to invest in stock market, which periods are good and bad? Which nakshatras are good and which sectors are good will be given in this report. This won’t be a day to day report but will give a general outline, including good and bad antar dashas if mahadasha is favorable. Moon nakshatra for earning profits will be given. This report can be based on prashna horoscope as well as birth horoscope.