Kundli Matching is a very essential part in marriages, but we need to understand the logic behind horoscope matching first, why is it necessary to match horoscopes before marriage ? Does horoscope match-making guarantee a good marriage ? Is kundli matching necessary for love marriage.
Kundali matching refers to matching of the horoscopes of bride and groom for a happy married life ahead. The asta-koota matching is done which is also known as gun-milan where points out of 36 are tallied for both horoscopes, the average is 18 which is termed as okay and above 18 are considered excellent whereas below 18 are considered bad, Horoscopes are just matched taking those points in consideration and whole rest of the factors like quality of married life, planetary positions, life span of the guy/gal is ignored.
Kundli matching is to check the compatibility between two people, but one should also check the quality of married life, planetary positions w.r.t each other, the promise of children in both horoscope, life span of both partners to do a complete horoscope match which very few astrologers do now-a-days.
Now just think, if one horoscope shows combinations for divorce or widow-hood, Can a good match cancel those karmas or combinations in other horoscope ?

NO, therefore an astrologer should check these combinations before saying that the match is good. If you base kundli match-making on asta-koota matching many horoscopes seem to match excellently, but what about to promise in the horoscope ? Does anybody care to think about it ? What if the horoscope of boy or gal has combinations like affliction to 7th house and Venus, connection of 6th and 7th lords from both moon and birth horoscopes and what if these promises repeat in navamsha ? this is an indication of the untoward happening, how can you ignore it ?
The asta-koota matching is suggested to check the physical,mental and spiritual levels of two people with respect to each other as these two people are unknown to each other earlier and are going to spend their entire life with each other, match making helps to jot down their nature, their sexual abilities, their mental and physical tendencies and see if they match with each other. Where is the need for match-making in love marriages where two people are in a long relationship for more than a year or 2 ? They know each other mentally, they know each other physically as they have had sex by then (most of them), the only need for match-making in such cases is to see if these two people will have divorce ? Life span check, children point of view and tendency to cheat, other than that everything already matches fine with them. Besides if two people are ready to live with each other inspite of all the odds even after knowing that the match-making is bad it is there choice. Relationships are based on mutual love, trust and understanding first and after that other things come into play. If one is not going to be happy with a forced marriage or has combinations for divorce/widowhood or other mishaps, no matter how hard you try for a good match, these things will take place.
One thing that can help or control these adverse effects is your own anusthana bala, sadhana or remedies done time to time, but these will help only if one is destined to get divine help. People should not stop trying their free-will. There are many people who never matched horoscopes and had a peaceful married life there are others who suffered as well, you will find people in both categories.
The bottom line is kundli matching helps you to choose the best partner from the available choice, most of the times you will attract only those horoscopes according to the combinations in your own horoscopes. Once in a while you may get a diamond but if you dont recognize it the opportunity is lost. some people have very good love affairs and do not marry due to pressure of parents and later their married life is worse while there are others for which it is vice-versa. Destiny sure gives everybody a fair chance, it is your choice to recognize and take that chance.
So is kundli matching necessary in love marriage ?
The answer is Yes and No.
No because you don’t need to check the points obtained, you are already compatible physically, sexually and mentally if you have been in a long relationship.
Yes, Because you need to see the promise of marriage in the horoscope, how married life will be, how promise of children is in the horoscope, how the life span of both partners is in the horoscope. Once you get these things checked it is your choice to accept and discard your partner depending on your mutual affection, love and the determination to spend life with each other accepting bad and the good things.
I hope this article gives you a clear view about kundli matching.
Fascinating insights on Kundli matching, astrology’s role in relationships, and compatibility. Thanks for sharing
I want to know about the challenges in my love marriage, that would be an intercast love marriage. Is that would be easy to both of us to get that status of ease in this marriage, kindly share the contact details of the concern
Namaste Jyoti ji,
Kindly email me the details on my email id given on the home page or contact page. I will get back to you with the required details of consultation.
Thank you.
Sir I want to consult you for match making. Kindly send contact details.
Namaste Ankish,
Please send your details to jyotishresearch@gmail.com or Whatsapp on the given number on home/contact page. I will send the details of match making.
Thank you.
Sir I want to consult you for match making. Kindly send contact details.
Namaste Riddi,
Kindly check your email for the details regarding horoscope match making.
Ashish Desai.
Hi sir,
I Need to consult regarding matchmaking,request you to share your email id and other details.
Namaste Raghunandan,
All details have been mailed. Kindly check your email for the same.
Please share your contact details .I need your services .
Namaste Ankita,
My contact details are given on the contact page of this website. You can email me the queries through the email address given therein. The consultation charges and other details will be provided in the email.
Ashish Desai.
Hi Sir,
This is Aakash Goel from Ghaziabad.
Need your valuable assistance. Kindly share your contact details please.
Response awaited.
Rgds. Aakash
Namaste Aakash,
Replied back to your email id. Kindly check the same.
hello sir
i m arthav from ahmedabad b,dt 6,6,1994 b.tm 7.58 am i m in love with girl who have mangal dosha our parents are not convened with many reson and said that kundli not matching the girl have mangal dosha there have issue
girl detai.. 1,11,1993 , 8.00 am ahmedabad
we are in love with each othere kindly suggest the sollution
Namaskar atharva,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Hello sir I m in love relationship for the last 8 year my gun milan is approx 11.5 and convincing my parents for it alot .but nothing work still i m struggling with this situation , what can i do cant leave both.
Kindly opt for paid consultation for horoscope matching.
One has to sacrifice something to get something. A life partner is someone who will be your part of life till death when all others would have left the mortal world, so choose wisely.
Sir i am in relationship with a guy nd luv him a lot ..
But recently he met an astrologer who said tha being with me is not good for him … problems will sround him. And ask him to brekup with me….hearing this i am too upset !!!! I am not understanding to belive or not .. really i can bring badluck for my bf….. wht shld i do
Namaste Vandana,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for horoscope match making services. If two people are really made for each other they will not bother to visit the astrologer or even check horoscopes and will face all the problems and accept whatever happens. If there are bad combinations as such you cannot do anything than to accept the fact and move on, or choose to fight and stay together, both choices are risky but it should be your mutual decision.
I need a horoscope matching. Please give me your details.
Namaste Neelambara ji,
Details have been sent to your email, you can check it.
Me and my partner have nadi dosh. Will there be any problems for us?
Namaste Manish,
That depends on the complete horoscope analysis, just having naadi dosh forms a seed for problems which can sprout if other factors in horoscope are afflicted. Only naadi dosha will not cause problems as a thumb rule.
Hi Sir,
Need to consult you on an urgent basis..please share your contact info ASAP..thanks
Namaste Tanya,
My contact details have been given on the website itself under services tab. You can email me in more details for consultation. My contact number is also given on the website under services tab.
Sir I want to consult for a kundali match making. Kindly mail me the details.
Namaste Aditi,
Details have been sent in the email and your queries about consultation to have been answered.
Girls birthdate – 16/01/1988 1:10 am
Boys birthdate 9/02/1988 7;20 am
Namaste Bhakti,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Meetal from Mumbai 22 July 1982..what u can say about my married life?8.28 pm mumbai
Namaste Meetal,
From the details you have given, the 7th lord is in the 8th house in gandaant and has rashi parivartana with the 8th lord, the 7th lord from moon is conjuct mars. Married life does not look good. Either there is a delayed marriage keeping you yet unmarried or there is a problem in marriage and married life with possibility of husband or inlaws being abusive or forceful.
Hi Admin,
Please drop me a contact and email Id .. I want to consult for kundli matchMaking
Namaste Tulsi ji,
The details have been emailed to you long back. Thank you very much.
Greetings Navdeep,
My email id is jyotishresearch@gmail.com
Hello sir my name is suvidha sanap im nonmanglik and I like a boy who is manglik..his bdate is 23 april 1987 .time:09:35pm..n my bdate is 18 feb1991..time:11am..what can I do for this problem? Pls suggest me as soon as possible in my email. .
Namaste Suvidha,
You can opt for paid consultation for horoscope matchmaking, you will be able to make a clear decision after getting the match-making analysis.
Sir have mailed on the gmail ID provided by you with the details….kindly provide a solution for the same
Greetings Sahil,
I have send a email with all the necessary details, kindly check and revert.
Ashish Desai
My date of birth is 28/06/1995 (4:25 am wed)and my girl friend’s DOB is 5/12/1995(8:20 pm) we both are shatriyas. I love her a lot. I understand her and i cant live without her but our kundlis are not matching. I dont believe in kindli but our family do.She have upper varna(vaishya) and mine is shoodra varna. And she is of rakshas gana and i am of manushya/dev. Plz help me sir plz. Plz suggest me way to marry her plz sir
Greetings Karan,
Kindly opt for paid consultation for horoscope match-making, match-making is very much more than just gun-milan.
sir what info are needed for kundli matching?
Greetings Sonu,
the birth details of both the boy and the girl will be needed for match-making.
Date of birth
time of birth
place of birth.
Please opt for paid consultations.
please give details for paid match making study
Greeting Sri,
Details sent in the email. Kindly check and revert.
Hi sir,
Can Jupiter in 7th house nullifies the kalathra dosha (rahu in 7th house) if one is manglik (mars in 8th house) and having Venus in 4th house and ketu in 1st (for boy’s kundli)?
Greetings Sonam,
Rahu with jupiter in 7th is creating a guru-chandal yoga if it is close degree wise. No it does not nullify the dosha of mars, please inquire properly about the boy and his family before marriage. Such combinations generally are beyond match-making. If the horoscope is of the boy it is better to avoid.
Ashish Desai.
Hi Sir,
But Jupiter is present in his own house (No 12), so wont it be powerful, to nullify rahu’s effect?
will the puja/solution be effective to reduce rahu’s effect?
details of boy:
name: Rahul
Dob: 17 feb 1987
Place: amritsar
can you pls check if degree wise guru chandal yog present ?
and does jupiter being in his own house(12th house) reduces guru chandal yog (in 7th house) ?
Greetings Sonam,
Kindly post the complete details. The time of birth is missing.
Guru chandal yoga happens when jupiter is placed with rahu, it is worse if this combination is aspected by malefics.
Best regards,
Name: Rahul
dob: 17 frb 1987
place:; amritsar
time: 10:10 PM
sir i just want to know that having same gotra is a big problem or it can sort it out with some upay plz just tell me a bit about that
Yes, Smita ji,
Same gotra means you come from the same lineage and are relatives to each other and besides that it can probably cause genetic issues in the up-coming generations.
Ashish Desai.
I need help regarding kundli matching and remedies as I am already in a relationship. Please send me your contact and address.
Greetings Rachna,
You can send me your queries through the contact form and the email address provided on the astrology consultations page.
Please also find my bank details on the same page.
Ashish Desai.
I hv d same prblm…please rply wt u r planning nw
Hello sir my name is swati patel and I like a boy who is manglik n im nonmanglik..his bdate is 18 August 1990.time:1:35am..n my bdate is 16feb1992..time:9:25am..what can I do for this problem? Pls suggest me as soon as possible in my email. .
Greetings Swati,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Ashish Desai.
Dear Warm Wishes,
I don’t know that I believe in it or not but this post is for my parents satisfaction. I am with one guy since more than 7 months, spending time each other, day by day growing more and more together. My parents see how much this person take cares of me and loves me. We both decided to get married by this December and my parents supported but before that they consulted with one of our family astrologer and he told my partner is Manglik and I should not at all Marry him. We have our wedding rings my wedding dress ready. I now very sad because i am being told many bad things. I think what does marriage means ? I am happy now with this person. we live together like husband and wife. I see no problem. We are growing each day. I felt before I am lucky in this life to have such a partner and such a mother and father. I am now occupied with doubts and confusions. I am an Indian girl and my guy is an European. I didnt get your email address on this page. I hope you will revert me back and share your views about this.
greeetings Shweta,
Sent you an email, Please check and revert back.
Ashish Desai.
Hi Sir ,
Please share your contact details .I need your services .
Greetings Harshita,
Details emailed. Kindly check and acknowledge.
Ashish Desai.
Hello sir maine apka ye article pada its gud..meri or mere bf ki kundil match kar ke ap plz mujhe batye ki kya hum shadi kr sakte h kya…myself ankita Dob 11may 1989 10:35 pm mhow (mp) and his ajeet Dob 1 aug 1989 11:31 am mahendragarh haryana..
Namaste Ankita,
Match-Making ke liye aapko Pay karna padega, Please opt for paid consultations.
Best regards,
Ashish desai.
Just because i am an indian does that mean i must follow the indian matching compatibility?can i follow the CHINESE MARRIAGE COMPATIBILITY? It is because the chinese compatibility charts looks more accurate. My husband is not indian so does all the indian matching implies to him also?
Greetings Priya ji,
It depends on you whether you want to follow Indian Match making system or not. You can obviously opt for chinese match-making if you believe in that. In Vedic astrology we look at the planetary positions of two people and see how they are placed with respect to each other and also check the signification of dasha lords, if they are good happy marriage can be predicted else no matter how good match you get, if the dasha is strong significator of 6/8/12 you will not get marital bliss.
Planets in the universe exert there influence on the earth and can be seen from any country so match-making implies to everyone, its their choice whether to believe or not.
Ashish Desai.
I need help regarding kundli matching and remedies as I am already in a relationship. Please send me your contact and address.
Greetings Ana ji,
I have already emailed you the same.
thanks and regards,
Ashish desai.
would like to consult regarding kundali match making please send me your contact number or address really need help regarding marriage please contact me
Namaste Meena ji,
Details sent in the email.
is this kundli match required with in the relationship also? I mean I want to marry my sister in law (Father side). I know her since my childhood. still do i need to consider kundli match ?? Please suggest me…
Namaste Sateesh ji,
Yes you need to match the horoscope if you are going to marry her. Horoscope matching is not necessary or compulsory but it is a tool be see how married life, longevity and financial success will be for two people. If one does not have the promise of happy marriage there is no point in marrying such person.
Namaste Sir, mai kundli aur horoscope mei nahi believe karti, but mere boyfriend ki mom karti hain.. the thing is I am manglik, i contracted an astrologer, n unhone bataya that hamari marriage unuchit hai, but also that we both will get married to each other and live separate from his mom. Please help.. we want to marry each other but also want to convince his mom.
Namaste Rupali ji,
You can opt for paid match making where you will get a report having positive and negative points of both horoscopes with conclusion which will help you to decide whether you can go ahead or not. Being manglik is not the only factor for denying marriage. You can convince her based on the report if the match is good.
Hello sir, my name is pradip , bd- 05/10/1994 and my gf neha bd- 22/05/1995. I have no manglik dosh and she have high manglik dosh.we love each other very much but there is this manglik problem.Is there any remedy to overcome this problem.Please suggest
namaste ,
my date of birth is 21/7/1993 and my boy frends date of birth is 11/10/1992.is our kundali is matching,if not then what is it’s solution?
Namaste Archana ji,
Please opt for paid consultations for horoscope matching.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
How can i fix a meeting for match making?
and How much you charged for this?
i wanna also know in about me and my girlfrnd’s gun milan with positive and negative points nd also need your consultation.
Namaste Narender ji,
I have sent you an email with the details, My contact number is given on my website. Will send again in case you don’t get it.
Thanks and regards,
Wld to like to meet ur in person and discuss a similar situation can u help me wit ur details
Greetings Nupur,
You can email me your queries on my email id given on the website, The consultation charges will be applicable.