I am writing this article just to let people know the importance of timely astrology advice. Taking timely astrology advice can save you from many miseries. People have a habit of blaming astrology and astrologers all the time. Jyotisha is a divine science which always helps you to find light when darkness looms around you.
A regular and big client of mine was in need of finance to fund a big project and he wanted a loan of 50lakhs. He met somebody who was willing to lend the required money for very low interest.
This person is a regular client of mine, he called me and asked whether he will benefit after taking this loan and should he take this loan from the concerned person?
I decided to check the query with prashna horoscope since his birth chart was already running dasha of the 12th lord showing loans and the question was whether he will be able to clear off the debts if he takes it and will he benefit from taking loan?. I took a number between 1 to 249 from him and cast the horoscope as below.

The horoscope given here is the prashna horoscope with horary number 7. The dasha was of venus who is the 7th and 2nd lord indicating the opposite person. Venus signifies following houses.
Venus 2,5,7.
Sun 5.
Moon 1,5.
Venus is placed in nakshatra of sun and sub of moon both signifying 5th house strongly which means gain of the opposite party which is obvious as he gets interest. But here there is no house signifying gain for client in the long run, the antardasha of sun who is also strong significator of 5th house. pratyantardasha of saturn signifying 8,12 with only 11th house of gain. together 8,12 indicated loss.
I checked the 7th cuspal sublord to see the nature of the opposite person, It was rahu. Whenever rahu comes in signification the person concerned can be a cheat or has hidden agendas. I told this client that the opposite party is fraud and that he should avoid dealing with him. He was not convinced and said that the person looks decent and does not seem like a fraud. I told him to be careful and avoid the deal and do a background check if he still wants to go ahead with the deal. This client has very good contacts and doing background check was easy for him.
He called me after some hours and said that, you were bang on. The opposite party was fraud and he has minted a lot of money from people by taking advantage of their bad situation. He thanked me for saving him from falling in the trap of that person.
Astrology is a divine science and a guiding tool in hands of right people. Those who are destined to get guidance will meet good astrologers at right point of time in their life.