When will I get Married ? Why is my marriage delayed ? Suggest me some remedies for marriage is what a lot of people say when they go to a jyotish. Especially it happens in case of girls, parents start worrying when their daughters are of marriageable age and the marriage gets delayed. Marriage of daughter is a big concern for a father in India. Many girls are also concerned about their marriages and they start getting stressed and tensed when their marriages are delayed. Many astrologers charge huge amounts in name of shantis and pariharas which are not necessary to be done always, Simple remedies can be done by people themselves, which might avoid marriage getting much delayed.

Remedies won’t do magic but will definitely result in lessening the delay to some extent. A person having extreme delay won’t get married at 21 or 25 if his marriage is not destined till 30, by doing remedies he might be able to marry by 27-28. Co-incidentally one finds remedies when their good dashas operate and one will even ignore them even after getting them if his dasha is bad or his horoscope does not show success from remedies. There is a time for everything. TheĀ Remedies for marriageĀ are as follows :-
- 16 Somvar vrat, One can fast for 16 mondays in a row after doing a sankalpa for removing the obstacles in marriage and getting married early. Offer bilwa patra to lord shiva if possible, and pray to lord shiva and parvati to remove obstacles in your marriage.
- Read Chapter 28th from “Navanath Bhaktisaar” daily by lighting a lamp and doing a sankalpa for getting married as soon as possible and for revoming all obstacles from marriage. The chapter is for getting married as given in the falashruti at the end. Do it in the morning and evening twice if you can depending on your eagerness to get married early. It hardly takes 15 mins.
- Recitation of “Sundar Kand” daily with sankalpa of wanting to get married will also remove the obstacles in getting married.
- Mix a pinch of turmeric Powder (haldi) in water and bath with it daily coupled with any of the above remedy.
- Those who are rich enough can help a poor person perform marriage of his daughter, this will definitely earn you good punya and also help in getting your daughter married on the account of good deeds, it will give you good punya.

Sankalpa is very necessary before starting any remedy, so pray to god by lighting a lamp and communicate your wishes and the purpose to do the remedy and also tell him to fulfill your wish. This post will be updated with more remedies for marriage in future.