Guru/jupiter transit 2013 for cancer

Here we continue the transit of jupiter in gemini 2013 for all zodiac signs. We finished with the results of jupiter for Aries, Tauras and Gemini. Now how will be the transit of guru/jupiter transit 2013 for cancerians ?

Guru transits gemini on 31st may 2013, the 12th house from your ascendent/moon sign cancer. It is a good time for spiritual journeys, foreign travels, pleasure trips and spending money on good things like charity. The 12th house shows, expenses, foreign connection, pleasure, loss, confinement, hospitals. It is also one of very important houses in moksha trikona (4-8-12) showing spiritual progress as well. A benefic like jupiter transiting 12th house from your ascendent or moon sign will be very helpful of spiritual progress as it aspects the 4th and the 8th houses from there.
Those planning to shift or purchase a new house or vehicle can also look forward to do that as jupiter enters the 12th house and aspect 4th house where saturn and rahu are placed in transit right now. 12th house shows expenses and jupiter might make you spend money on good things like travels, house, charities, vehicles etc.

The start of 2013 might have given you a lot of trouble on domestic front and problems related to your home atmosphere, mother’s illness, vehicles etc as rahu and saturn entered tula your 4th house. Now jupiter’s entry into the 12th house will give you relief from these problems as it will aspect the 4th house and stabilize the bad effects of saturn rahu conjuction in your 4th house.

Those facing health issues need to take care of themselves by exercising and eating healthy food, jupiter being the 6th lord of cancer placed in 12th aspecting 8th can cause health problems due to over eating and ignoring your health, saturn rahu in 4th can give problems related to heart, cholesterol etc.

Overall the coming year is good for cancerians in terms of spiritual progress, purchase of new house or shifting, vehicles, pleasure trips, foreign travels, doing charities and spending money for good purposes. Health needs to be taken care on the other side.

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