Starting a business is quite exhilarating as well as challenging. Watching successful and big businessmen like the Ambani’s, the Birlas, the Tata’s, the kirloskars and reading success stories pumps your blood and ambition. However everyone is not able to achieve success in business. what are the astrological combinations that makes one a successful businessman? What are Business success yoga in astrology ?
We are living in the era of flourishing entrepreneurship where government is strongly supporting start-ups and entrepreneurs. Atmanirbhar bharat abhiyan is being promoted. It has also become more easier to secure funding for your business ideas.
Corona virus spread has stalled many business, but at the same time it has also given opportunities for new business to flourish. All you need to see is Business success yoga in astrology if you want to start your own business.
Which house indicates business in astrology ?
- 10th house represents your karma and recognition whether it is service or job or consulting or anything. 10th indicates all types of karma done by jataka.
- 11th house represents gains from your karma or karmic activity, here we are only restricting ourselves to financial gains.
- 7th house represents business/partnerships/relationships.
- 6th house represents service/jobs etc.
- 2nd house indicates wealth of family/family happiness/savings etc.
- 3rd house indicates valor/guts/initiative/power/bahubal/siblings/mental strength and persistence.
- 9th house represents luck and blessings of elders/guru/father etc.
The 5th house comes into play when you are giving service for benefit of society with almost no or little gains. 5th also represents purva punya.
All the above houses play important role for business success yoga in astrology. The primary houses however are 2,7,10 and 11th house. The 6th house comes into play when you are giving service.
All 9 planets and 12 houses can give clues to the type and nature of business. The dasha pattern and transit will reveal the ups and downs in business.
Business can be classified into many groups as follows
- Manufacturing (utpadan)
- Direct selling/Retail outlets
- Trading
- Service oriented or expertise oriented
Again in the above groups there will be many types of business and the planets and horoscopes will give clue to what type is suitable. The main consideration should be given to dasha patterns and transits to see whether one is having a good time to reap benefits/gains from his business after studying the suitable business patterns as per horoscope.
Business success yoga in astrology
First and foremost there should be strong dhana yogas in the horoscope to be successful in business. Strong upachaya houses help in growth of business. 2,6,10,11 houses should be well fortified and have malefic planets in them.
2nd, 9th, 11th house collectively will indicate luck and financial prospects of a person. Connection of 2,11 lords with 5,9 houses indicate good fortune of a jataka in financial matters.
Dasha of planets giving gains should be running in succession for a long period to get gains in business. Every business will have good and bad business cycles further depending on good and bad antardashas + transits.
Nature of business
- The planet related to karma or 10th house and the position of planets in 10th house will give clue to nature of business. This should be seen from lagna, moon, sun, dasha lord and divisional charts, the business coming under strongest planet will be more successful than others.
- If 7th and 10th lords are connected to 6th house one can get into service oriented business which means providing services to others than direct selling or manufacturing physical goods.
- 5th house connection will also indicate business/profession related to counseling, teaching, consulting, creativity where one creates something out of his good intellect and creative mind. Strong Moon+Venus with good 5th house is a plus point. 5th can also mean manufacturing if connected with 10th, 7th and 6th houses.
- The 8th house and 12th house connection will indicate losses and lots of ups and downs, however engineering related works, research related works, Insurance related works, antya vidhi related business can be successful depending. These people however change a lot of jobs or leave things in between to start another. Their interest is short lived.
- 10th and 7th lords connection to 2nd indicates family business. Even connection of 9th house to 2nd can mean father’s business taken ahead.
- 5th connection to 10th and vice-versa indicates profession/practice/expertise in certain domain or creative area.
- 6th connection to 10th and vice-versa means service/job or business related to providing service to others.
- Nature of planets posited in these houses or connected to the above houses will further finetune and determine success in business falling under their domain/karakatwa.
- One has to further check dasha/antardasha/transits and divisional charts to see business success yoga in astrology
- One gets low to high success in business if dasha/antardasha is right and they do business according to karakatwa of planets in horoscope.
Here is one successful businessman horoscope who owns many petrol pumps in south delhi.

See the horoscope of on the left, this man is owner of petrol pumps in south delhi. This man has a very strong business yog in his horoscope. A strong and exalted 2nd lord with Jupiter and 9th+10th lord mercury indicating that he has inherited this business from family. This is a strong combination for family business in astrology.
This combination happens in jala rashi which confirms to the nature of business in the horoscope. The 2nd house from Chandra kundali again confirms the strong dhanayoga and combination for family business.
There are two panchamahapurush yogas formed in horoscope namely malavya yoga and hamsa yoga from lagna as venus is exalted in angle and jupiter is in own rashi.
People with strong 6th house are more suited for service than business. People under bad dasha of 8th and 12th keep making losses or face problems in recovery of money and lack of working capital to operate business effectively. These people should not get into business requiring huge capital because they will keep loosing money due to operation of bad prarabdha.
So are you interested to know about business success yoga in your horoscope? Do your planets show a successful businessman horoscope? I provide all business astrology services right from selecting the auspicious business name to doing vastu consultation for business, vastu consultations for office, selecting right employees for business, Fill the form below to get in touch with me for business astrology consultations or whatsapp to 9657569256.