Childlessness in astrology

Childlessness in astrology Reproduction and procreation is a universal phenomenon. Two people marry to procreate, expand their family, to have children is a natural desire of every couple. Women especially are more excited about the idea of motherhood and they look to this as one of the most important and happiest experiences of their lives. Many women would agree that they marry for the sake of having children unlike men, children are integral and more important part of a family for them. Motherhood is the dream of every women. Some Read More …

Corporate astrology

Astrology or jyotish is a divine subject and reveals the past, present and future of a person very beautifully. It is very helpful to find the personality traits of people along with their strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats, hence astrology can be very useful tool for human resource professionals to hunt suitable candidates according to available job profiles. The horoscope of a individual can reveal a wealth of information about his abilities and his mental outlook, it can reveal his talents, his expertise which can be put to optimum use Read More …